TBB Triple Beam Balances
Sturdy metal housing and a grade 304 stainless steel pan make TBB ideal for classrooms. Larger than most triple-beam balances, TBB features innovative tripod legs and integrated weigh-below hook for density and specific gravity determination.


Features on our TBB Triple Beam Balance that you can rely on:

Triple Beam Design
The triple beam design of our TBB allows for precise weight adjustments without requiring electricity.

Reliable Accuracy
Our triple beam mechanical weighing balance guarantees accuracy through its three precisely calibrated beams and adjustable weights, enabling precise measurements.

Easy to Use
Straightforward operation requires little training to master, making the TBB Triple Beam Balance ideal for use in classrooms.

Complete Weight Set Included
The Adam TBB Triple Beam Balance includes three weights for added capacity, as well as grooves intended for storage of the weights when not in use.

Unique Tri-Pod Legs
Each Adam triple beam balance offers tri-pod legs for extra height and the option to weigh below the balance.

Stainless Steel Pan
The large, durable stainless steel pan on these triple beam balances offers durability and facilitates easy cleaning.
Created to withstand daily student use, Adam Equipment's patented TBB triple beam balance offers a superb value for teaching mass measurement concepts. With rugged construction and security slot to prevent theft, the durable TBB is ideal for classroom environments. Sturdy metal housing and a grade 304 stainless steel pan help the balance withstand daily student use. Other features include tripod legs for density measurement, weigh-below hook, magnetic damping for faster stability, notched and tiered graduated beams with center reading, and holders for storing extra weights.
Features and Benefits
- Optional hook enables below-balance weighing
- Large, grade 304 stainless steel pan allows easy cleaning
- Magnetic damping slows pointer movement for faster readings
- Notched, tiered, graduated beams ensure positive positioning and accurate reading of results
- Storage space for weights included
- The TBB 2610T is equipped with a 225g tare range.
- Zero adjustment
- Security slot for optional lock and cable to help prevent theft
- A 5-year warranty means quality assured for years of use.